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Our tasting notes
In direct light the Karuizawa has an amber color with orange reflections but looked at indirect light it will seems even darker with a reddish hue to almost look like the a porto wine.
The first aromas are rather fruity with pear, baked apple and dried fruit. After stirring the whisky other flavors appear like caramel and beeswax. A very complex bouquet despite his young age. I would classify it in the whisky aromatic family "sweetmeat".
On the palate the flavors are blended to give a predominant pastry hue with baked apple pie, honey and a small side of french liquor Calvados that I particularly appreciate. This is a whisky with a round and smooth texture, very pleasant on the palate despite its bottling "cask strength" without reducing the level of alcohol. Grading 61.6%, I diluted during the second tasting with drops of mineral water to make it a little less "alcoholic" and reveal new powerfull aromas.
A long finish, very soft, which surprises with new flavors such as pepper, cedar, pine and dried apricots. It’s a rather spicy and woody mark that the Karuizawa International Bar Show 2012 will left you in mouth.
I am very pleasantly surprised by the aromatic complexity of this single cask double vintage despite his relatively young age. It is a perfectly balanced whisky, with its seductive palette of aromas and I would definitely recommend it to all Japanese whisky fans !