
World Whiskies Awards 2016 : Japanese whiskies rewarded again !

The results of the 2016 edition of the World Whiskies Awards were announced on March 19 and again Japanese whisky is rewarded with four titles of "World's Best Whisky".


Suntory won one of the most prestigious titles ; "World's Best Blended Whisky" for the year 2016 with his now famous Hibiki 21 year old.

Unfortunately it's almost a posthumous title because since a few months it becomes very difficult or impossible to find on the market a bottle of this premium whisky. And the situation is not willing to improve in the coming months...



The second major title won by Japanese whisky was awarded to another producer also facing a shortage in its stock of old whiskies ; Kirin and its Fuji Gotemba distillery  therefore wins the title of "World's Best Grain Whisky" 2016 with the outstanding Single Grain 25 year old Small Batch.

And worst than Hibiki 21 year old, this Kirin single grain was a "Small Batch" meaning a blend of a small number of casks, in other words a very limited edition, which today can be sold at collector prices. No doubt this time this is a posthumous title...

The last two titles were won by Suntory with its special limited editions for duty free Japanese airports only of Hibiki 21 year old who won the title of "World's Best Duty Free Design", and of Yamazaki 25 year old who won the title of "World's Best Design (Ultra Price Range). "


World Whiskies Awards 2016 full results : Worldwhiskiesawards.com

Images : Whiskymag.jp


Published by Nicolas

The Monday 21 March 2016 at 01h07

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